21 - 8 Switch Setup
Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited
HOLDING When the voice mail system tries to transfer a call and the line is busy, the
caller can hold until the line becomes free. This process is described in
Call Holding. The following field on Switch Setup screen Page 2 affects
call holding.

Max lines holding total/Max lines holding for ext

On Line 14, you may specify the maximum number of calls allowed to hold
in the system at one time and the maximum number of calls allowed to
hold for any one extension at one time. Each holding call occupies one
port, so set the maximum to a value less than the voice mail system total
number of ports to avoid having the whole system tied up with calls on
SECTION 11 SET THE CALL HOLDING PATTERN When a caller is holding for an extension, the voice mail system attempts
to transfer the caller several times, then returns to ask if the caller still
wants to hold. The fields on Line 15 control this pattern. For details, refer
to Chapter 2 Call Hold, Transfer, and Screen.
Number of tries between TT checks
Specifies the number of times the voice mail system should attempt
to transfer the call between checks with the caller. The default value
is 4.
Extra hold time between tries
Specifies how long (in tenths of a second) voice mail should wait
between transfer attempts. Setting this field lower puts calls through
quicker. Setting it higher makes the holding conversation sound
better to the caller. The default is 50; the voice mail system waits 5
seconds between transfer attempts.