Switch Setup





The voice mail system works with the NEC Electra Elite telephone system (or switch) at the Switch Setup screen. The voice mail system is shipped with predefined parameters for each NEC telephone system, and filling in the fields

on the Switch Setup screen usually is as easy as identifying your NEC telephone system.

This chapter explains the Switch Setup screen fields and provides guidelines for changing them after installation.

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For details on how to connect the voice mail system and the NEC Electra Elite telephone system, refer to the Electra Elite System Hardware Manual #750363. For details about the NEC Electra Elite telephone system, read the voice mail system online help, and check the NEC Electra Elite telephone system documentation.

To￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿view Switch Setup screen, sign in to the voice mail system and press

to view additional pages.

Figure 21-1 Switch Setup Screen Page 1


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Image 313
NEC 750370 manual Section Automatic Switch Setup