EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited

Issue 3





The system then reads the name and extension of each subscriber whose last name#L(A:Abegins￿&￿with3&+%the letters!''&. The￿+%caller(%&3&may dial￿A+%￿the￿Cextension

anytime,!=%Aor,J&=)%*>(in certain￿￿￿￿cases, ￿may)A)>)be￿￿routed/+automatically7)::4 to the

￿subscriber2>&+FC/Extension= LLL/+9￿￿9#￿ID%￿.%):3333333333333333￿5F&%￿￿=￿50￿%.A)￿￿￿￿#)"F%5)?￿￿.A+U1KV1=0￿!￿.￿8

You can also set up the system to ask for the first three letters of the first

Turn On the Automatic Directory

The ￿HSystem$%&ID''#0for the@automatic+%9::4>directory ￿@(555) is already.set forI￿you when the system is installed. However, you can change the System ID, and set whether or not the system transfers callers to a subscriber extension automatically using the ID for Alpha Directory field and the Auto xfer? field. These fields are on Line 59 of Figure 3- Application ￿Screen Page 6 Showing Automatic Directory Fields


Figure 3-1 Application Screen Page 6 Showing Automatic Directory Fields

ID for Alpha Directory

To provide automatic directory assistance, enter a System ID in the ID for Alpha Directory field. The default System ID for the automatic directory is 555. Callers enter this System ID to access the directory. In the opening greeting, tell callers the System ID to press

￿to reach the directory. Auto xfer?

If this field is Yes and only one name matches the three letters entered by the caller, the system automatically routes the caller to that subscriber Extension # ID. If more than one name matches, or this field is No, the system does not route the caller until an Extension # ID is entered.


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Image 99
NEC 750370 manual Turn On the Automatic Directory, ID for Alpha Directory