Reference 10 - 1
Numeric Access
The voice mail system is flexible enough to allow subscribers to leave
messages for subscribers, guests, and message groups by pressing either
numbers or letters. This chapter describes how a system is set up for numeric




NUMERIC ACCESS Areas of the system affected if numeric access is used include:
Access to subscribers and guests
The Access field on subscriber Personal Directory pages sh ould contain
E. With E, the system asks the subscriber for an extension number to
leave messages for other subscribers or guests. You also can set
numeric access as the default for new subscribers added to the system
by adding E to the Ac cess field on Application screen Pag e 5.
Access to message groups
Set up a special System ID for numbered message groups. Subscribers
press this special System ID before they leave a message for a
numbered message group. Set this ID on L ine 59 of App lication s creen
Page 6, in the field labeled ID for Num Groups. For details, refe r to
Chapter 22 Section 2 Special System ID for Numbered Groups.
Verify that the first three characters of each me ssage group name are
numbers. A message group name is d is pla yed in the upper left corner of
the Groups Screen. To leave a message for a messag e group,
subscribers press these three numbe rs. The group nu mber should al so
be in the group recorded name (

Group 234: Sales Dep artment

). For
details, refer to Chapter 9 Section 7 Message Groups on page 9-1 8.
Numeric directory assistance
Numeric directory assistance allows out side callers t o find a sub scriber
extension number without spelling the na me. For details, refer to
Chapter 3 Directory Assistance. (You can use numeric directory
assistance even on systems that do not use numeric access.)