EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 3
Reference 9 - 35
Playback while Leaving a Message
If a subscriber tries to le ave a message for a subs criber or guest who
has left a message already, the system announces that there are
messages waiting, then offers to play the messages to the
subscriber. This ensures that the su bscriber is up-to-date before
leaving this person a message.
The Conversation for New Messages
The conversation flow is best understood by example. Let’s say Pat
Wu has 2 messages from Chris Aaronson, 1 message from
, 2 messages from Dave Thompson, and 3 messages from
outside callers. Pat does not have the time of messages feature
turned on. When Pat calls in f or m essa ge s, sh e ent ers her P erso na l
ID, and security code. The system responds:
“Pat Wu. Remember 1 for yes and 2 for no. You have 8 new
messages. Chris Aaronson left 2. Would you like to hear them?”
Pat presses 1 for yes. The system plays each message and its
timestamp. Then the system gives Pat a chance to record a reply to
“For no reply, press 2. Otherwise, I'll record your message now...”
Pat records a reply. The system moves to the next source in the
message stack:
“Amy Ronk left a message. Would you like to hear it?”
Pat presses 1 for yes. The system plays the message and its
timestamp. Then the system gives Pat a chance to record a reply to
“For no reply, press 2. Otherwise, I'll record your message now...”
Pat presses 2 because the mes sage from Amy ne eds no reply. The
system moves to the next source in the message stack:
“Dave Thompson left 2 messages . Woul d you like to hear them?”
Pat presses 2 because she saw Dave in the hallway and he said the
messages were not important. She'll check them later.
The system moves to the next source in the message stack,
messages from outside callers:
“Your message box has 3 messages. Would you like to hear them?”