Reference 1 - 1
Using This Book




book lets you quickly find the information you need for a particul ar system
task. Other Chapters are in alphabe tical order. Each chapter covers part of the
voice mail system. The Table of Co nt ents is a quick guide to desired chapters.
Refer to this Reference Book whe n you need specific information on a
particular aspect of the system. The material is helpful to those that install and
maintain the voice mail system. As you learn more about the system
automated attendant, voice messag ing, and audiotext abilities, this manual
provides you with detailed instruction s to change, updat e or add a particula r
Also Refer To:
At the end of each Reference Book chapter is a list of other chapters or
sections and additional docume nts that re late to the su bject matter at hand,
under the heading Also Refer To. You can use this list as a signpost to di rect
you to additional, helpful information in th is m an ual.