EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 3
Glossary 7
One-Key Dialing
Allows the caller to enter a single t ouchtone digit instead of a fu ll
System ID during a subscriber or transaction box greeting . This feature
lets you offer callers a menu of choic es during a greeting. One- key
dialing options must be programmed ind ividually for each subscr iber
and transaction box.
One-Way Message
A message left by an ou tside caller for a particula r subscriber.
Opening Greeting
The greeting the system plays when it first answers a call. The system
opening greeting is stored on Applic at ion Screen Page 3.
Option Set
The Transfer and Screening Option s contro l how c alls a re transf erred
to a subscriber. Call transfer options are displayed in the Transfer
section of the Personal Directory pages and include Announce,
Confirm, Introduce, Message Screen, or Screen. Subscribers can
switch between Transfer Options and Screening Options by
Outside Callers
Nonsubscribers (customers, clients, and friends who call your
The owner is a subscriber or System Manager that controls a
transaction box, voice detect bo x, interview box, o r message group.
The owner of a transaction box o r interview box receives the
messages left in the box. A transaction box owner can change the box
greetings by telephone. The o wne r of a m essa ge gr oup c an c han ge it
by telephone. If the owner is deleted, a ll transaction box es, interview
boxes, and private message groups that the subscriber ow ned are also
deleted. The subscriber open mes sage groups are reassigned to
Personal ID
A subscriber uses this number to retrieve messages, leave messages
and perform personal housekeep ing (
, changing options or security
codes) by phone. The system supplies a suggested Personal ID based
on the Extension Number ID. In most cases, this is 9 plus the
extension number.