EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited

Issue 3








Busy Recall

The sequence the voice mail system dials to return to the outside caller if an extension is busy.

TT Prompt/Msg/Record

The minimum time, in hundredths of a second, the voice mail system expects a touchtone to last. Normally, you should not change the values in these fields.

Release on LCR?

Controls whether or not the voice mail system assumes the caller has hung up when it receives a loop current open signal.

Answer on ring low?

Whether or not the voice mail system waits through a complete ring on incoming calls before answering.

Off-hook delay

How many hundredths of a second, the voice mail system waits after answering the telephone, before speaking or accepting touchtones.

Ring-on time / Ring-off time

2"LThe time,)Ain tenthsXY1"''XWY1of a second,!''of the￿￿￿=5on/off%XZY1CFperiodsX[Y1#'in an'incoming8

￿333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333#!)+ring￿%￿￿cycle￿￿￿￿￿￿￿. E￿+.)0￿￿"'')%￿￿"' E)￿￿+)%%))￿￿+)￿￿￿￿."'

Pooled delay

holding, Live Record, and Constant Message Count options. Refer to Figure 18 25 Switch Setup Screen Page 2. Refer also to Chapter 21 Switch Setup.

￿H">(%FThis-Jfield￿￿)%&is￿￿+notJ￿%￿Aused￿))￿-with￿&￿B￿￿&="FEliteMail￿￿> VMS/EliteMail￿()%-￿￿￿￿￿&￿￿5￿+%55￿￿J0%Limited￿-5(B￿￿)￿￿￿￿￿.%￿F'I￿Use Page 2 to set message waiting lamp codes, dial-out timing, call

Figure 18-25 Switch Setup Screen Page 2


18 - 33

Page 287
Image 287
NEC 750370 manual Pooled delay, Switch Setup Screen