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Transaction Box Message Fields

Transaction￿A boxes can>also take0<messages+0. The .message--taking fields￿Bfor a transaction box are shown below. These fields are only active if at least one of the Day: or Nite: fields is Take msg. The fields operate the same as those on a subscriber Personal Directory page.

Figure 9-18 Message-Taking Fields on Transaction Box

Take Messages in the Operator Box

The system Operator Box can take messages. Usually, however, you should use the Public Interview Box to take messages for the Operator Box (using GotoID￿$PM). The interview questions can ensure you get all the information you need from a caller to properly forward the message.

Take Messages in Interview Boxes

Interview boxes take messages, even though they do not use the TransferGreetingAction structure. You may use interview boxes to take messages because they allow you to ask questions of the caller leaving the message. To use an interview box for message taking, set the Action field to GotoID￿and include the System ID of the interview box.

Also Refer To:

Section 1 Message Types on page 9-1

Section 5 Message Delivery on page 9-9

Section 10 Message Playback on page 9-31

Chapter 2 Section 2 Call Transfer on page 2-11

￿Chapter 2 Section 3 Screen Calls on page 2-16 Chapter 6 Interview Boxes


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NEC 750370 manual Transaction Box Message Fields, Take Messages in the Operator Box, Take Messages in Interview Boxes