EliteMail VMS/EliteMail LimitedIssue 3

Set Up#L!>&+F/=%ASpecial(A:AJ&=)%￿&￿LLL/+9￿￿System￿￿3￿￿￿*>()A)>/+7)::4%&+%!''￿%):￿5IDF%=50for￿￿%&Numbered￿)+%￿￿(%&￿￿3&#)"F%￿￿Groups￿+%0+%￿￿5)￿!C

messageH group numbers@Message group @numbers do not have toIbe unique, but all System IDs must be unique.

With2FCKB))Anumeric￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5A%=access,￿+:￿9%&)message..￿3333333333333333FFF&￿￿groups￿D=￿￿.A))59￿￿￿.(have￿￿)%numbers￿￿￿￿￿￿)'?5&)%.A+U1KV1￿￿￿￿￿￿.instead7AKK￿￿￿=of￿.￿spelled8 group names. Subscribers send a message to a numbered group by first pressing￿333333333333333333333E($￿%&a specialMaE;/''#0;System633333￿￿￿+%ID￿￿J￿￿9for9::4>&Enumbered(/33333groups,6￿33333333333333333333333333333)followed￿A.￿)by the group￿ number. This way, the system does not confuse Extension # IDs with

Set the System ID for numbered groups in the ID for Num Groups field on

Application screen Page 6. Refer to Figure 10-2 The ID for Num Groups

Field on Application Screen Page 6.

Figure 10-2 The ID for Num Groups Field on Application Screen Page 6

The ID for numbered groups is a System ID, and must be unique.

When choosing this special ID, follow these guidelines:

Choose a short number. Short numbers are easier to remember, and make the conversation flow better.

Remember that the ID you choose prevents you from using a range of other System IDs. For example, using 77 for the special System ID makes the ranges 770-779 and 7700-7799 unavailable.

Also Refer To:

Chapter 3 Directory Assistance

Chapter 7 Keypad Maps

￿Chapter 9 Messages Chapter 20 Subscribers


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NEC 750370 manual Field on Application Screen, ID for numbered groups is a System ID, and must be unique