Reference 12 - 1
Operator Box
An automated attendant cannot completely replace a h uman operator. The
voice mail system provides a special Application Screen, called the Operator
Box, for handling calls that go to the ope rat o r.
Use the Operator Box to de fine t he ope rator e xtensio n, ca ll tran sfer se ttings,
greetings, and actions the system should take when the operator is
unavailable. Decide how the system handles callers after hours. Create
multiple operators, by setting up a new transaction box for each operator.
This topic describes how to set up the Operator Box. Refer to Figure 12-1
Operator Box on Application Scre en Page 3. With a few differences, the
Operator Box is a transact ion box for the ope rator. Most o f the Op erator Box
features are described in detail in Chapter 24 Transaction Boxes.
Figure 12-1 Operator Box on Application Screen Page 3



SYSTEM ID The default System ID for the Operator Box is zero, but you can change it. The

Operator Box System ID may or ma y not be t he same as the o perato r actual
telephone extension. The opera tor actual telephone extension number is
entered in the Transfer section fields: Day? Yes and Nite? Yes.