Issue 3 EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited
8 Glossary
Personal Secretary
Ensures every important call for a subscriber is answered. If the
subscriber is unavailable, callers c an be routed to anothe r extension
automatically or can make a menu selection to choose where to route
the call.
A telephone channel or line coming into the system.
Private Group
A private message group belongs to a sing le subscriber, called the
group owner. Only the group owner ma y leave messages for other
group members. Group owners cannot be a m ember of the ir private
A recording played at a specific time in the conversation. Syste m
prompts are stored in voice fields on the Voice Prom p t Editor Screen.
Public Message
Messages left in the Public Interview B ox or the Operator Box are
public messages available to all au thorized subscriber s. Usually, only
a few people have access to public messages.
Private Group
A private message group belongs to a sing le subscriber, called the
group owner. Only the group owner may leave me ssages for other
group members. Other members can hear the group message but
cannot leave a message for the group in ret urn .
Recorded Name
The recorded name of a subscriber, guest , operator or transaction box.
The system plays the recorded names (also called
voice names
) in
prompts that require identificat ion of the source or destination of a
Call transfer when the voice mail system releases a call to the NEC
telephone system. The voice mail system does not track the progress
of the call.