Issue 3

EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited





Do not transfer or view the voice mail system database files (AV*.*), executable files (*.EXE) or the current day REPLOG file while the voice mail software is running on the host computer. The host computer must be at the DOS prompt before you can transfer these files.

2.To move between windows, press ￿&￿to move the highlight bar to the right window or press ￿'￿to move to the left window.

Placement of the highlight bar designates which window is active. The active window is the source from which files transfer. The other window is automatically the destination.

3.To move through the directory list(s), use the following keys:


Movement in the List


Move to right-hand list


Move to left-hand list


Up one file


Down one file




Up one screen page

Down one screen page

Top of list

Bottom of list

4.To change directories, perform either procedure below:

Move the highlight bar to the directory name, current directory (.), or parent directory ( .. ). Then press ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

￿to list the files in that directory.

Press ￿to display the File Menu expanded menu. Press ￿￿￿￿to select Change Drive/Directory. At a dialog box, indicate the drive, directory, and any subdirectories. Press ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿to list.

4 - 6

Transferring Files

Page 50
Image 50
NEC 750370 manual Move to right-hand list, Move to left-hand list, Up one file, Down one file