EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 3
Console Maintenance 4 - 3
File Lists
The File Menu Screen has two separate windows. The left window
lists files and directories on the local computer (where you are).
The right window lists files and directories on the host you are
connected to by modem. The directory you are in is listed at the
top of each window. To move between the two windows, press the
left or right arrow key. The other elem ents of the File Menu Screen
(from top to bottom of the screen) are:
Status Box
In Figure 4-1 File Menu S creen, Remote and ACTIVE-FSP are
shown at the top left, below the product nam e and version number.
Remote indicates the Remote Maintenance software is in use.
ACTIVE indicates a connection to a hos t computer, with -FSP
indicating that the host software is u sing the Full-Speed Mode
Phone Book ID
When a connection is establish ed, the host nam e or ID from the
Phone Book is displayed. JO HNSON CORP. is shown in the
example above. With no connection , DISCONNECTED is shown.
The left or right arrow centered above the f ile list windows indicates
the direction that files are transferred. Th e left ar row indica tes file
transfer from the host to the local computer.
Scroll Bars
When more files than can be displayed at once exist, the scroll
bars (left and center) show you the relative position in the file lists.
Highlight Bar
On this screen, the cursor is displayed as a bar and us ed for
highlighting various files. The windo w where the highlight bar is
placed is the active window.
Message Line
Watch the line below Files Selected for prompts/messages.