EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited

Issue 3





Voice name

The interview box recorded name.


The recording for each of the questions in the interview and the number of seconds the question lasts. You can record up to 20 questions per interview.


The time in seconds outside callers are allowed to record their reply to a question.

Send Msg Urgent

Controls whether or not messages left by outside callers should be

￿marked urgent. Refer to Chapter 9 Messages. After

Public#!>Interview# Box '"# "#'B''''&￿

The systemFCK'￿''!is >'shipped￿￿&￿with"!>FaL'Public￿'''Interview￿￿&￿￿Box￿￿+. Refer￿￿￿to￿)9Figure 18-21

The PublicBInterview Box. MessagesC left in the Public .Interview:J. Box are

called￿public messages ￿that are available to￿subscribers with public￿

messages from callers when the operator is not available.

233Controls"LU￿￿)%BC￿￿33how￿A￿the.3333633systemU￿￿handles)%￿￿333￿theA￿.call33633after5)￿￿KLU)%recording￿G￿￿￿333￿￿A￿.the333338caller responses to the interview.

messageH3333333333333333333333333@333333333333333333333333@333333333333333333333333333Iaccess. Usually, the Public Interview Box is used to take

The fields on this screen work the same as those on the interview box screen. Refer to Chapter 14 Public Interview Box and Public Messages and Chapter 9 Messages.

Figure 18-21 The Public Interview Box


18 - 29

Page 283
Image 283
NEC 750370 manual The Public Interview Box