Issue 3


EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited





After Msg

2H333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333IDefines action the system takes after recording a message for 8this

subscriber from an outside caller. Refer to Chapter 9 Section 12 Take

a Message on page 9-45.

subscriber. They have limited system privileges. The Personal Directory includes a page for each guest in the system. Refer to Figure 18-15 Personal Directory Page for a Guest The fields on a guest page control the same features as on a subscriber page. Refer to Chapter 5 Guests.

The￿*system"#!>￿ also ￿5)￿￿'allows subscribers￿%￿￿￿￿￿￿"#BCA￿''￿￿)%5%&:""toC￿host￿F'')%A￿￿￿D￿E￿G￿guests>'Fon￿%￿￿￿the !'C'system.￿%￿￿￿55G￿￿￿￿Guests)￿ are greeted by name and can exchange messages with their host

Figure 18-15 Personal Directory Page for a Guest

18 - 22


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Image 276
NEC 750370 manual Guests, Subscriber from an outside caller. Refer to Take