EliteMail VMS/EliteMail Limited Issue 3
Glossary 9
Screening Options
Call transfer options that the subscriber can turn on and off by
This field may or may not include call screening codes (
C, I, M, or S).
Spelled Name
The name or three-characte r sequ ence th at is displa yed in the Name
field of the Personal Directory page, tra nsaction box page, voice detect
box page, or groups page. Calle rs with letters on their touchtone
keypad can select the person o r box by spelling the first three let ters of
the name if the system is set up for lettered keypads. The spelled
name should correspond to the recorde d name.
This term refers to all enrolled
of the voice mail system that have
name, extension number and other information entered in the system.
This term includes regular s ubscribers (
, company employees) and
System Managers.
The NEC telephone system.
System ID
A code that uniquely ide nt if ie s each subscriber, guest, tra ns a ction box
and interview box on the system. Subscriber IDs are called Personal
System Manager
A subscriber that can access the system and manipulate its features,
including adding and deleting su bscribers, guests, or transaction
boxes. A System Manager can promote ot her subscribers to be
System Managers.
Two-way Message
Possible when both the sender an d r ecipi ent a re ide ntif ied as enro lled
subscribers or guests on the system. Allows an immediate reply.
Transaction Box
A box with a Transfer Greeting Action structure that is programmed
to provide, special call routing, one -key dialing menus, or audi otext
announcements. It is the basic build ing block of special voice
processing applications.