Viewing IPv6 Routes Table Parameters Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for setting fields displayed in the IPv6 Routes Table page.
CLI Command | Description |
traceroute | Discovers the routes that IPv4 packets will |
actually take when traveling to their destination. | |
| |
traceroute ipv6 | Discovers the routes that IPv6 packets will |
[ttl | actually take when traveling to their destination. |
[source |
show ipv6 route | Displays the current state of the ipv6 routing |
| table. |
The following is an example of the CLI commands: |
Console> show ipv6 route
Codes: L - Local, S - Static, I - ICMP, ND - Router Advertisment The number in the brackets is the metric.
S ::/0 via fe80::77 [0] VLAN 1 Lifetime Infinite
ND ::/0 via fe80::200:cff:fe4a:dfa8 [0] VLAN 1 Lifetime 1784 sec L 2001::/64 is directly connected, g2 Lifetime Infinite
L2002:1:1:1::/64 is directly connected, VLAN 1 Lifetime 2147467 sec L 3001::/64 is directly connected, VLAN 1 Lifetime Infinite
L 4004::/64 is directly connected, VLAN 1 Lifetime Infinite L 6001::/64 is directly connected, g2 Lifetime Infinite
Configuring System Information