For more information on SNTP, see "Configuring SNTP Settings" on page 104.
To open the Time Synchronization page, click System → General → Time Synchronization in the tree view.
Figure 6-3. Time Synchronization
The Time Synchronization page contains the following fields:
•Clock Source — The source used to set the system clock. The possible field values:
–Local — Specifies that the system time is not set by an external source.
–SNTP — Specifies that the system time is set via an SNTP server. For more information, see "Configuring SNTP Settings" on page 104.
Local Settings
•Date — Defines the system date. The field format is DD/MMM/YY, for example, 04/May/07.
•Local Time — Defines the system time. The field format is HH:MM:SS, for example, 21:15:03.
•Time Zone Offset — The difference between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and local time. For example, the Time Zone Offset for Paris is GMT +1:00, while the local time in New York is GMT