•IPv6 Address Origin Type — Defines the type of configurable static IPv6 address for an interface. The possible values are:
–Dyanmic — Indicates the IP address was received from RA.
–Static — Indicates the IP address was configured by the user.
–System — Indicates the IP address was generated by the system.
•DAD Status — Displays the Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) Status which is the process of verifying and assuring an inserted IPv6 address is unique. This is a
–Tentative — Indicates the system is in process of IPv6 address duplication verification.
–Duplicate — Indicates the IPv6 address is being used by an another host on the network. The duplicated IPv6 address is suspended and is not used for sending or receiving any traffic.
–Active — Indicates the IPv6 address is set to active.
•Remove — When selected, removes the address from the table.
Adding an IPv6 Interface
1Open the IPv6 Interface page.
2Click Add IPv6 Interface.
The Add a Static IPv4 Interface page opens.
Figure 6-34. Add IPv6 Interface
3Complete the fields on the page.
IPv6 Interface specifies whether the interface is a specific port, LAG or VLAN.
4Click Apply Changes.
The new interface is added, and the device is updated.