The following is an example of the CLI commands:
console (config)# bridge
console# show bridge
Aging time is 250 sec
vlan | mac address | port | type |
1 | 00:60:70:4C:73:FF | 1/e8 | dynamic |
1 | 00:60:70:8C:73:FF | 1/e8 | dynamic |
200 | 00:10:0D:48:37:FF | 1/e8 | static |
Configuring GARP
Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) is a
When configuring GARP, ensure the following:
•The leave time must be greater than or equal to three times the join time.
•Set the same GARP timer values on all Layer
To open the GARP page, click Switch → GARP in the tree view.
This section contians the following topics:
•"Defining GARP Timers" on page 322
Configuring Switch Information