Viewing EAP Statistics
The EAP Statistics page contains information about EAP packets received on a specific port. For more information about EAP, see "Port Based Authentication".
To open the EAP Statistics page, click Statistics/RMON → Table Views → EAP Statistics in the tree view.
Figure 8-6. EAP Statistics
The EAP Statistics page contains the following fields:
•Port — Indicates the port which is polled for statistics.
•Refresh Rate — Amount of time that passes before the EAP statistics are refreshed. The possible field values are:
–15 Sec — Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 15 seconds.
–30 Sec — Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 30 seconds.
–60 Sec — Indicates that the EAP statistics are refreshed every 60 seconds.
–No Refresh — Indicates that the EAP statistics are not refreshed automatically.
•Frames Receive — Indicates the number of valid EAPOL frames received on the port.
Viewing Statistics