Querying the Database
1Open the Binding Database page.
2Select the following categories:
–MAC Address — Indicates the MAC addresses recorded in the DHCP Snooping Database.
–IP Address — Indicates the IP addresses recorded in the DHCP Snooping Database.
–VLAN — Indicates the VLANs recorded in the DHCP Snooping Database.
–Interface — Contains a list of interfaces recorded in the DHCP Snooping Database. The possible field values are: Port and LAG.
In addition to the fields above, the following fields appear in the Query result Table:
–VLAN ID — Displays the VLAN ID to which the IP address is attached in the DHCP Snooping Database.
–Type — Displays the IP address binding type. The possible field values are Static which indicates that the IP address was statically configured, and Dynamic which indicates that the IP address was dynamically configured.
–Lease Time — Displays the lease time. The Lease Time defines the amount of time the entry is active in the DHCP Database. Entries whose lease times are expired are ignored by the switch.
3Click Query.
Removing a Database Entry
1Open the Binding Database page.
2In the table, click the checkbox in the Remove column next to the desired entry.
3Click Apply Changes.
Clearing the Dynamic Database
1Open the Binding Database page.
2Click Clear Dynamic.