Viewing Statistics
The Statistic pages contains links to device information for interface, GVRP, etherlike, RMON, and device utilization. To open the Statistics page, click Statistics in the tree view.
CLI commands are not available for all the Statistics pages.
This section contians the following topics:
•"Viewing Tables" on page 405
•"Viewing RMON Statistics" on page 420
•"Viewing Charts" on page 435
Viewing Tables
The Table Views page contains links for displaying statistics in a table form. To open the page, click Statistics → Table in the tree view.
This section contians the following topics:
•"Viewing Utilization Summary" on page 405
•"Viewing Counter Summary" on page 407
•"Viewing Interface Statistics" on page 408
•"Viewing Etherlike Statistics" on page 411
•"Viewing GVRP Statistics" on page 414
•"Viewing EAP Statistics" on page 418
•"Viewing EAP Statistics Using the CLI Commands" on page 419
Viewing Utilization Summary
The Utilization Summary page contains statistics for interface utilization. This screen is refreshed periodically to minimize the impact on computers with lower memory. Display may be disrupted during this period.
To open the page, click Statistics → Table Views → Utilization Summary in the tree view.
Viewing Statistics