•Severity to Include — The following are the available severity levels:
–Alert — The system needs immediate attention.
–Critical — The system is in a critical state.
–Error — A system error has occurred.
–Warning — A system warning has occurred.
–Notice — The system is functioning properly, but system notice has occurred.
–Informational — Provides device information.
–Debug — Provides detailed information about the log. If a Debug error occurs, contact Customer Tech Support.
•Delete Server — Deletes the currently selected server from the Available Servers list, when selected.
When adding a Log Server, the following additional parameters are available:
•Supported IP Format — Specifies the IP format supported by the server. The possible values are:
–IPv6 — IP version 6 is supported.
–IPv4 — IP version 4 is supported.
•IPv6 Address Type — When the server supports IPv6 (see previous parameter), this specifies the type of static address supported. The possible values are:
–Link Local — A Link Local address that is
–Global — A globally unique IPv6 address; visible and reachable from different subnets.
•Link Local Interface — When the server supports an IPv6 Link Local address (see previous parameter), this specifies the the Link Local interface. The possible values are:
–VLAN1 — The IPv6 interface is configured on VLAN1.
•ISATAP — The IPv6 interface is configured on ISATAP tunnel.
Sending Logs to a Server:
1Open the Remote Log Server Settings page.
2Select a server from the Available Servers
3Define the fields.
4Select the log severity in the Severity to Include check boxes.
5Click Apply Changes.
The log settings are saved, and the device is updated.