Authenticating Users
The Authenticated Users page displays user port access lists. The User Access Lists are defined in the Add User Name page.
To open the Authenticated Users page, click Switch → Network Security → Authenticated Users.
Figure 7-5. Authenticated Users
The Authenticated Users page contains the following fields:
•User Name — List of users authorized via the RADIUS Server.
•Port — The port number(s) used for authentication, per user name.
•Session Time — The amount of time the user was logged on to the device. The field format is Day:Hour:Minute:Seconds, for example, 3 days: 2 hours: 4 minutes: 39 seconds.
•Authentication Method — The method by which the last session was authenticated. The possible field values are:
–Remote — The user was authenticated from a remote server.
–None — The user was not authenticated.
•MAC Address — The supplicant MAC address.
Configuring Switch Information