•BPDU Handling — Determines how Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) packets are managed when STP is disabled on the port/ device. BPDUs are used to transmit spanning tree information.
The possible field values are:
–Filtering — Filters BPDU packets when spanning tree is disabled on an interface. This is the default value.
–Flooding — Floods BPDU packets when spanning tree is disabled on an interface.
•Path Cost Default Values — Specifies the method used to assign default path costs to STP ports. The possible field values are:
–Short — Specifies 1 through 65,535 range for port path costs. This is the default value.
–Long — Specifies 1 through 200,000,000 range for port path costs.
The default path costs assigned to an interface vary according to the selected method:
Interface | Long | Short |
LAG | 20,000 | 4 |
1000 Mbps | 20,000 | 4 |
100 Mbps | 200,000 | 19 |
10 Mbps | 2,000,000 | 100 |
Bridge Settings
•Hello Time
•Max Age
•Forward Delay
Designated Root
•Bridge ID — Identifies the Bridge priority and MAC address.
•Root Bridge ID — Identifies the Root Bridge priority and MAC address.
•Root Port — Indicates the port number that offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the Root Bridge. It is significant when the Bridge is not the Root.
Configuring Switch Information