5Enter the copy tftp://{tftp address}/{file name} image command to copy a new system image to the device. When the new image is downloaded, it is saved in the area allocated for the other copy of system image
console# copy tftp:// image Accessing file ‘file1’ onÖ
Loading file1 from
Copy took 00:01:11 [hh:mm:ss]
Exclamation symbols indicate that a copying process is in progress. Each symbol (!) corresponds to 512 bytes transferred successfully. A period indicates that the copying process is timed out. Many periods in a row indicate that the copying process failed.
6Select the image for the next boot by entering the boot system command. After this command, enter the show bootvar command to verify that the copy indicated as a parameter in the boot system command is selected for the next boot.
The following is an example of the information that appears: console# boot system
console# show bootvar
Images currently available on the Flash
If the image for the next boot is not selected by entering the boot system command, the system boots from the currently active image.
7Enter the reload command. The following message is displayed: console# reload
This command will reset the whole system and disconnect your current session. Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?
8Enter y. The device reboots.