The Line Password page contains the following fields:
•Line Password/Telnet Line Password/Secure Telnet Line Password — Password settings for Console, Telnet, or Secure Telnet session, respectively.
•Password — The line password for accessing the device.
•Confirm Password — Confirms the new line password. The password appears in the ***** format, for security reasons.
•Console/Telnet/Secure Telnet Line Aging
–Checked — Password ages out after the specified number of days.
–Unchecked — Password does not expire.
•Expiry Date — Indicates the expiration date of the line password.
•Lockout Status — Indicates whether the user currently has access (status Usable), or whether the user is locked out due to too many failed authentication attempts since the user last logged in successfully (status Locked).
•Reactivate Locked Line — Reactivates the line password for a Console/Telnet/Secure Telnet session. Access rights can be suspended after unsuccessfully attempting to log in.
–Checked — Reactivates the line password.
–Unchecked — Maintains locked password.
Defining Line Passwords for Console Sessions
1Open the Line Password page
2Define the Console Line Password fields.
3Click Apply Changes.
The line password for console sessions is defined, and the device is updated.
Defining Line Passwords for Telnet Sessions
1Open the Line Password page.
2Define the Telnet Line Password fields.
3Click Apply Changes.
The line password for the Telnet sessions is defined, and the device is updated.
Defining Line Passwords for Secure Telnet Sessions
1Open the Line Password page.
2Define the Secure Telnet Line Password fields.
3Click Apply Changes.
The line password for Secure Telnet sessions is defined, and the device is updated.