ES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
Switch # show power
power1 Inserted: NO
power2 Inserted: NO
power3 Inserted: YES devsm
Command: debug devsm { send receive state }
no debug devsm {send receive state }
Function: Displays the device management packet traffic and cards status conditions. The “no debug devsm {send receive state }” command disables DEBUG display.
Parameters: send displays outgoing device management packets. receive displays incoming device management packets. state displays card status change information
Default: Debugging information is disabled by default.
Command mode: Admin Mode
6.3Card Hot-Swap Operation
ES4710BD supports hot swapping of cards. Hot swapping of
6.3.1Card Hot-Insertion
The cards are automatically powered once inserted into the slots. A blinking RUN indicator in 1Hz indicates the card is working normally. User entry recognition by the switch will be stopped during the hot insertion of cards and resumed once the cards enter normal operation mode.
6.3.2Card Hot-Remove