ES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch interface
Command: switchport interface
Function: Assigns Ethernet ports to VLAN; the “no switchport interface
example: ethernet 1/1;2;5 or ethernet
Command mode: VLAN Mode
Default: A newly created VLAN contains no ports by default.
Usage Guide: Access ports are normal ports and can join a VLAN, but a port can only join one VLAN for at a time.
Example: Assigning Ethernet ports 1, 3, mode
Command: switchport mode {trunkaccess}
Function: Sets the port in access mode or trunk mode.
Parameters: trunk means the port allows traffic of multiple VLANs; access indicates the port belongs to one VLAN only.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Default: The port is in Access mode by default.
Usage Guide: Ports in trunk mode are called Trunk ports. Trunk ports can allow traffic of multiple VLANs to pass through, VLANs in different switches can be interconnected with the Trunk port interconnections. Ports under access mode are called Access ports. An access port can be assigned to one and only one VLAN at a time.
Example: Setting port 1/5 to trunk mode and port 1/8 to access mode.
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/5
Switch(Config)#interface ethernet 1/8 trunk allowed vlan