ES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch dvmrp cisco-compatible
Command: ip dvmrp
Function: Enables connectivity with CISCO neighbor A, B, C, D; the “no ip dvmrp
Parameters: <A.B.C.D> are the Neighboring IP addresses
Default: The connectivity with CISCO neighbors is disabled by default.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Usage Guide: CISCO does not really implement DVMRP, but provides connectivity with DVMRP. As CISCO routers/switches send report packets but not probe packets, neighbor timeout issues should be addressed in establish connectivity with CISCO routers/switches. Configuration of this command enables the switch to tell neighbor timeout by report packet intervals (if no report message format a CISCO neighbor is received in an interval three times of the report interval, that neighbor is considered to be timeout.
Example: Enabling connectivity with CISCO neighbor Switch (Config)#interface vlan 1 dvmrp enable
Command: ip dvmrp enable no ip dvmrp enable
Function: Enables DVMRP on the interface; the “no ip dvmrp enable” command disables DVMRP on the interface.
Parameters: N/A.
Default: DVMRP is disabled by default.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Usage Guide:
Example: Enabling DVMRP on interface vlan1.
Switch (Config)#interface vlan 1 dvmrp graft-interval
Command: ip dvmrp
Function: Sets the interval for sending DVMRP graft messages; the “no ip dvmrp
Parameters: <time_val> is the interval for sending DVMRP graft packets, ranging from 5 to 3600 seconds.
Parameters: The default interval for sending DVMRP graft messages is 5 seconds.
Command mode: Global Mode