ES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
Command: ip rip authentication
Function: Specifies the key to use for RIP authentication; the “no ip rip authentication
Default: RIP authentication is disabled by default.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Usage Guide: Instead of deleting the RIP authentication key, the “no ip rip authentication
Related command: ip rip authentication rip authentication mode
Command: ip rip authentiaction mode {textmd5 type {ciscousual}} no ip rip authentication mode
Function: Sets the authentication method; the “no ip rip authentication mode” command restores the default plain text authentication method.
Parameters: “text” for text authentication; “md5” for MD5 authentication. There two MD5 authentication methods, Cisco MD5 and conventional MD5.
Default: The default setting is text authentication.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Usage Guide:
Example: Setting Cisco MD5 authentication on interface vlan1, the authentication key is “edgecore”.
Related command: ip rip authentication key-chain rip metricin
Command: ip rip metricin <value> no ip rip metricin
Function: Sets the additional route metric receiving RIP packets on the interface; the “no ip rip metricin” command restores the default setting.
Parameters: < value> is the additional route metric, ranging from 1 to 15.
Default: The default additional route metric used for RIP to receive packets is 1.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Related command: ip rip metricout