EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
Switch2 (Config-If-Port-Channel2)#
Configuration result:
Shell prompts ports aggregated successfully after a while, now ports 1, 2, 3 of Switch 1 form an
aggregated port named “Port-Channel1”, ports 6, 8, 9 of Switch 2 forms an aggregated port named
“Port-Channel2”; configurations can be made in their respective aggregated port configuration
Scenario 2: Configuring Port Channel in ON mode.
Fig 14-3 Configuring Port Channel in ON mode
Example: As shown in the figure, ports 1, 2, 3 of Switch 1 are access ports that belong to vlan1. Add
those three port to group1 in “on” mode.Ports 6, 8, 9 of Switch 2 are trunk port that allow all, add
the these three ports to group2 in “on” mode.
The configuration steps are listed below:
Switch1 (Config)#interface eth 1/1
Switch1 (Config-Ethernet1/1)# port-group 1 mode on
Switch1 (Config-Ethernet1/1)#exit
Switch1 (Config)#interface eth 1/2
Switch1 (Config-Ethernet1/2)# port-group 1 mode on
Switch1 (Config-Ethernet1/2)#exit
Switch1 (Config)#interface eth 1/3
Switch1 (Config-Ethernet1/3)# port-group 1 mode on
Switch1 (Config-Ethernet1/3)#exit
Switch2 (Config)#port-group 2