
This chapter identi￿es the performance test procedures which test the electrical performance of the analyzer.

Allow the analyzer to warm up in accordance with the temperature stability speci￿cations before performing the tests called out in this chapter.

None of the test procedures involve removing the cover of the analyzer.


Calibration veri￿es that the analyzer performance is within all speci￿cations. It is time consuming and requires extensive test equipment. Calibration consists of all the performance tests. For a complete listing of the performance tests, see the performance veri￿cation tests table for your speci￿c analyzer.

Operation Veri￿cation

Operation veri￿cation only tests the most critical speci￿cations. These tests are recommended for incoming inspection, troubleshooting, or after repair. Operation veri￿cation requires less time and equipment than the calibration. See the performance veri￿cation tests table for your analyzer.

Calibrating 1-1