62. CISPR Pulse Response, HP 8590
Record the marker amplitude reading in Table
67.Set the PERIOD to 100 ms on the pulse generator.
68.On the EMC analyzer, press 4SGL SWP5, MARKER ! HIGH .
Record the marker amplitude reading in Table
69.Set the PERIOD to 500 ms on the pulse generator.
70.On the EMC analyzer, press the following keys:
4DET5 QP/AVG 10X OFF (10X)
Record the marker amplitude reading in Table
71.Set the PERIOD to 980 ms on the pulse generator.
72.On the EMC analyzer, press 4SGL SWP5, MARKER ! HIGH .
Record the marker amplitude reading in Table
73.Press TRIG on the pulse generator. Press 4SGL SWP5 on the EMC analyzer. Let the EMC analyzer sweep 3 divisions then press MAN on the pulse generator. On the EMC analyzer, press MARKER ! HIGH . Record the Marker reading for Isolated Pulse Measurement for Band B in Table
Performance Verication Tests