46. Residual Responses, HP 8593EM, HP 8595EM, and HP 8596EM

If a residual is suspected, press 4SGL SWP5 again. A residual response will persist on successive sweeps, but a noise peak will not. Note the frequency and amplitude of any residual responses above the display line and to the right of the marker in Table 2-59.

22.Repeat steps 20 through 21 for all residuals recorded in Table 2-60.

23.Record the highest residual from Table 2-60 as TR Entry 1 in the performance veri￿cation test record. If no residuals are found, then record \N/A" in the performance veri￿cation test record.

Table 2-60.

Con￿rmed Residual Responses above Display Line

























































Performance Veri￿cation Tests 2-313