3.Comb Generator Frequency Accuracy, HP 8593EM and HP 8596EM
3.Comb Generator Frequency A ccuracy,HP 8593EM and HP 8596EMThis performance verication test must be performed with the EMC analyzer set in the spectrum analyzer mode.
A 100 MHz signal from a synthesized source and the output from a comb generator are applied to the input of the EMC analyzer. The source frequency is adjusted until the two signals appear at the same frequency. The frequency setting of the source is then equal to the comb generator frequency and this frequency is compared to the specication.
The related adjustment procedure for this performance verication test is the \Comb Generator, HP 8593EM and HP 8596EM" adjustment.
Equipment Required
Synthesized sweeper
Power splitter
Cable, APC 3.5 mm (m) 91 cm (36 in)
Cable, SMA 61 cm (18 in) (m) to (m)
Adapter, Type N (m) to APC 3.5 (m)
Adapter, 3.5 mm (f) to 3.5 mm (f)
Performance Verication Tests