29. Spurious Response, HP 8591EM

More 1 of 3 MKR !CF STEP



8.Press the 4 * 5, (step-up key) on the EMC analyzer to step to the second

harmonic (at 60 MHz). Press 4MKR !5 MARKER ! HIGH . Record the MKR 1 Amplitude reading in the performance veri￿cation test record as TR Entry 1.

Part 2: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion, 50 MHz

1.Zero and calibrate the measuring receiver and 100 kHz to 1800 MHz power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the measuring receiver operation manual. Enter the power sensor's 50 MHz Cal Factor into the measuring receiver.

2.Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-39 with the output of the directional bridge connected to the 100 kHz to 1.8 GHZ power sensor.

Figure 2-39.

Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Test Setup, HP 8591EM

Performance Veri￿cation Tests 2-183