HP 8590 EM-Series EMC Analyzer Documentation Description

The following documents are provided with the HP 8590 EM-Series EMC Analyzer.

Veri￿cation Guide

provides information for verifying the


instrument's performance, speci￿cations and


characteristics, and customer support.

User's Guide

describes instrument features and how to make


measurements with your EMC analyzer.

Quick Reference Guide

provides menu maps, error messages, and key


descriptions, remote programming codes, and


other helpful charts and tables.

In This Book

This book helps you test the performance of the EMC analyzer. The

￿rst three chapters of this guide provide information for performing the performance veri￿cation tests. The next six chapters provide speci￿cations and characteristics for the six EMC analyzer products. The last chapter gives helpful information when your require support.

Chapter 1 contains information on which performance veri￿cation tests that you will perform and lists the equipment required to

perform these tests.

Chapter 2 contains the performance veri￿cation tests to ensure your EMC analyzer is operating properly.

Chapter 3 contains the test records for your use when performing the performance veri￿cation tests.

Chapter 4 provides the speci￿cations and characteristics for the HP 8591EM EMC analyzer.

Chapter 5 provides the speci￿cations and characteristics for the HP 8593EM EMC analyzer.

Chapter 6 provides the speci￿cations and characteristics for the HP 8594EM EMC analyzer.
