Amplitude Speci￿cations

Amplitude speci￿cations do not apply for Analog+ mode and negative peak detector mode except as noted in \Amplitude Characteristics."

Amplitude Range

023 dB￿V to +137 dB ￿V



Maximum Safe Input Level

(Input attenuator ￿10 dB)

Average Continuous P ower

+137 dB￿V (1 W)

Peak Pulse P ower

+137 dB￿V (1 W)


25 Vdc

Quasi-P eak Detector Speci￿cations (All except Option 703)

The speci￿cations for Quasi-Peak Detector have been based on the following:

￿The EMC analyzer displays the quasi-peak amplitude of pulsed radio frequency (RF) or continuous wave (CW) signals .

￿Amplitude response conforms with Publication 16 of Comit e￿ International Special￿ des

Perturbations Radio electriques￿ (CISPR) Section 1, Clause 2.

Absolute amplitude accuracy is the sum of the pulse amplitude response relative to the reference , plus the reference pulse amplitude accuracy , plus the EMC analyzer amplitude accuracy (calibrator output, reference level, frequency response , input attenuator , IF bandwidth switching, linear display scale ￿delity, and gain compression).

4-6 HP 8591EM Speci￿cations and Characteristics