49. Absolute Amplitude, Vernier, and Power Sweep Accuracy, HP 8591EM Option 010

7.Subtract 020 dBm (87 dB￿V) from the power level displayed on the measuring receiver and record the result as TR Entry 1 of the performance veri￿cation test record as the Absolute Amplitude Accuracy.

8.On the EMC analyzer, press:

4AUX/USER5 Track Gen SRC ATN MAN AUTO (MAN) 107 4dB￿V5

4SRC PWR5 97 4dB￿V5

9.Press RATIO on the measuring receiver. Power levels now readout in dB relative to the power level just measured at the 010 dBm (97 dB￿V) output power level setting.

10.Set the SRC POWER to the settings indicated in Table 2-63. At each setting, record the power level displayed on the measuring receiver in Table 2-63.

11.Calculate the absolute vernier accuracy by subtracting the SRC POWER setting and 10 dB from the Measured Power Level for each SRC POWER setting in Table 2-63.

Vernier Accuracy = Measured Power Level 0 SRC POWER 0 10 dB Vernier Accuracy = Measured Power Level 0 SRC POWER + 38.76 dB

12.Locate the most positive and most negative absolute vernier accuracy values for SRC POWER levels greater than 010 dBm (97 dB￿V) recorded in Table 2-63 and record in the performance veri￿cation test record the Positive Vernier Accuracy as TR Entry 2 and the Negative Vernier Accuracy as TR Entry 3.

Positive Vernier Accuracy




Negative Vernier Accuracy






13.Locate the most positive and most negative Absolute Vernier Accuracy values for all SRC POWER levels in Table 2-63 and record below.

Positive Power Sweep Accuracy




Negative Power Sweep Accuracy



14.Calculate the power sweep accuracy by subtracting the Negative Power Sweep Accuracy recorded in the previous step from the Positive Power Sweep Accuracy recorded in the previous step. Record this value as

2-324 Performance Veri￿cation Tests