9. Frequency Span Readout Accuracy, HP 8593EM, HP 8594EM, HP 8595EM, and HP 8596EM


More 1 of 3 More 2 of 3 MARKER 1

More 3 of 3 NEXT PEAK

The two markers should be on the signals near the second and tenth vertical graticule lines (the ￿rst graticule line is the left-most).

7.Record the MKR-1 frequency reading in the performance veri￿cation test

record as TR Entry 2. The MKR-1 frequency reading should be within the limits shown.

8.Press 4MKR5, More 1 of 3 , MARKER ALL OFF on the EMC analyzer.

9.Change the equipment to the next settings listed in Table 2-5.

10.On the EMC analyzer, press 4SGL SWP5. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press the following keys:


More 1 of 3 More 2 of 3 MARKER 1

More 3 of 3 NEXT PEAK

11.Record the MKR-1 frequency reading in the performance veri￿cation test record.

12.Repeat steps 8 through 11 for the remaining EMC analyzer span settings through TR Entry 6 (refer to Table 2-5).

13.Set the EMC analyzer to measure the frequency span accuracy at 1 kHz by pressing the following keys:

4MKR5 More 1 of 3 MARKER ALL OFF 4BW5 30 4Hz5

If necessary, adjust the center frequency to display the two signals.

14.Change to the next EMC analyzer span setting listed in Table 2-5 (TR Entry 7). Be sure to set the synthesized sweeper CW and synthesizer/level generator frequencies as shown in the table.

15.On the EMC analyzer, press 4SGL SWP5. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press the following keys:


2-42 Performance Veri￿cation Tests