12. Sweep Time Accuracy, HP 8590 EM-Series

This performance veri￿cation test must be performed with the EMC analyzer set in the spectrum analyzer mode.

This test uses a synthesizer function generator to amplitude modulate a 500 MHz CW signal from another signal generator. The EMC analyzer demodulates this signal in zero span to display the response in the time domain. The marker delta frequency function on the EMC analyzer is used to read out the sweep time accuracy.

If you are testing an EMC analyzer equipped with Option 101 or Option 301, also perform the \Fast Time Domain Sweeps" test for the speci￿c EMC analyzer model.

There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test.

Equipment Required

Synthesizer/function generator

Signal generator

Cable, Type N, 152 cm (60 in)

Cable, BNC, 120 cm (48 in)

Figure 2-15. Sweep Time Accuracy Test Setup

2-58 Performance Veri￿cation Tests