20. Frequency Response, HP 8593EM

51.Adjust the synthesizer/level generator amplitude until the measuring receiver display reads the same value as recorded in step 11. Record the amplitude displayed on the synthesizer/level generator in column 2 of Table 2-32.

52.Replace the 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz power sensor with the 50 ￿ termination.

53.On the EMC analyzer, press the following key:


More 1 of 3 More 2 of 3 MARKER 1

4MKR5 More 1 of 3 MK TRACK ON OFF (ON)

54.Set the EMC analyzer center frequency and the synthesizer frequency to the frequencies listed in Table 2-32.

55.At each frequency, adjust the synthesizer/level generator amplitude for a MKR 1-TRK amplitude reading of 0.00 dB 60.05 dB. Record the amplitude displayed on the synthesizer/level generator in column 2 of Table 2-32 as the Synthesizer/Level Generator Amplitude.

56.For each of the frequencies in Table 2-32, subtract the Synthesizer/Level Generator Amplitude Reading (column 2) from the Synthesizer/Level Generator Amplitude Setting (50 MHz) recorded in step 51. Record the result as the Response Relative to 50 MHz (column 3) of Table 2-32.

57.Add to each of the Response Relative to 50 MHz entries in Table 2-32 the measuring receiver Reading for 50 MHz listed in Table 2-26. Record the results as the Response Relative to 300 MHz (column 4) in Table 2-32.

Test Results

Frequency Response , Band 0

1.Enter the most positive number from Table 2-32, column 4: dB

2.Enter the most positive number from Table 2-26, column 2: dB

Performance Veri￿cation Tests 2-113