29. Spurious Response, HP 8591EM

Equipment Required

Synthesizer/level generator Synthesized sweeper

Measuring receiver (used as a power meter) Power sensor, 100 kHz to 1800 MHz

50 MHz low pass ￿lter Directional bridge

Cable, BNC, 120 cm (48 in) (two required) Adapter, Type N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Adapter, Type N (f) to BNC (m)

Adapter, Type N (m) to BNC (f) Adapter, Type N (m) to BNC (m)


This performance veri￿cation test consists of two parts:

Part 1: Second Harmonic Distortion, 30 MHz

Part 2: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion, 50 MHz

Perform \Part 1: Second Harmonic Distortion, 30 MHz" before performing \Part

2: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion, 50 MHz."

Part 1: Second Harmonic Distortion, 30 MHz

1. Set the synthesizer level generator controls as follows:

FREQUENCY : : :: : : : : : : : :: : : : : : :: : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : :: :: : : : : : : : : : :30 MHz

AMPLITUDE ::: :: :: :: ::: :: :: :: :: ::: :: :: :: ::: :: :: :: :: ::: :: :: 010 dBm

2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-38.

Performance Veri￿cation Tests 2-181