22. Frequency Response, HP 8595EM

Test Results

Frequency Response , Band 0

1.Enter the most positive number from Table 2-37, column 4: dB

2.Enter the most positive number from Table 2-35, column 2: dB

3.Enter the more positive of numbers from step 1 and step 2 as TR Entry 1 of the performance veri￿cation test record (absolute referenced to 300 MHz).

4.Enter the most negative number from Table 2-37, column 4:


5.Enter the most negative number from Table 2-35, column 2: dB

6.Enter the more negative of numbers from step 4 and step 5 as TR Entry 2 of the performance veri￿cation test record.

7.Subtract step 6 from step 3. Enter this value as TR Entry 3 of the performance veri￿cation test record (relative ￿atness).

Frequency Response, Band 1

1.Enter the most positive number from Table 2-36, column 2, as TR Entry 4 of the performance veri￿cation test record.

2.Enter the most negative number from Table 2-36, column 2, as TR Entry 5 of the performance veri￿cation test record.

3.Subtract step 2 from step 1. Enter this value as TR Entry 6 of the performance veri￿cation test record.

Performance Veri￿cation Tests 2-137