31. Spurious Response, HP 8594EM



7.Press the 4 * 5 (step up) key on the EMC analyzer to step to the second harmonic (at 60 MHz). Set the reference level to 057 dB￿V. Wait for a full sweep to ￿nish, then press 4MKR !5 MARKER ! HIGH .

8.Record the MKR 1 Amplitude reading as TR Entry 1 of the performance veri￿cation test record.

Note that the maximum MKR 1 Amplitude Reading is 20 dB higher than the speci￿cation. This is a result of changing the reference level from 77 dB￿V to 57 dB￿V.

Third Order Intermodulation Distortion

9.Zero and calibrate the measuring receiver and 50 MHz to 2.9 GHz power sensor combination in log mode (RF power readout in dBm). Enter the power sensor 3 GHz Cal Factor into the measuring receiver.

10.Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-46 with the input of the directional coupler connected to the power sensor.

Figure 2-46.

Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion Test Setup, HP 8594EM

Performance Veri￿cation Tests 2-203