Release 1.0SNMP Commands
ommand Syntax
A.B.C.D | IP address of SNMP notification host |
WORD | 1 to 32 alphabetic characters specifying an |
| SNMP community |
informs | enable SNMP informs |
version | version to use for notification messages |
1 | lowest security level |
2c | second level, more than security level 1 |
auth | most secure level, authenticates without |
| encryption |
no auth | no authentication, unscrambled packet |
priv | privileged level, authenticates and scrambles |
| packet |
traps | enable SNMP traps |
bgp | send BGP state change informs or traps |
docsdevcmts | send docsdevicecmts change informs or traps |
entity | send entity state change informs or traps |
environ | send SNMP environment change informs or |
| traps |
flap | send flap state change informs or traps |
ospf | send OSPF state change informs or traps |
pim | send PIM state change informs or traps |
snmp | send SNMP state change informs or traps |