BSR 2000 Command Reference Guide | Release 1.0 |
show cable qos svc-flow summary
The show cable qos
The following is typical output from the show cable qos
Interface index: |
| 294658 |
Qos service flow | id: | 1 |
Qos service flow | SID: | 2 |
Qos service flow | direction: | Upstream |
Qos service flow | primary: | True |
Interface index: |
| 294658 |
Qos service flow | id: | 2 |
Qos service flow | SID: | 0 |
Qos service flow | direction: | Downstream |
Qos service flow | primary: | True |
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Line Usage
show cable qos svc-flow summary [<X/Y> [<1-4292967295>]]
Command Syntax
X/Y | X is 0. Y is the CMTS port number. |